April 21, 2011

Healthy Body? PETA says vegetarian diet is naturally better. {Adult}

The number one or two excuse for most folks who eat meat isn’t that it tastes good: that’s an honest, frank reason that I believe, because I used to eat meat. The excuse I hear most is that

“I need meat for my health.”

Meat, these days, is so over-consumed and, well, dirty—factory farms and bad diets and chemicals and abuse equal unhealthy animals—and fish is so mercury-laden it knocked Entourage’s Piven down for the count, and is not recommended in all 50 US States for pregnant mommas or their soon-to-be children.

Here’s some info on how a vegetarian diet can make you strong, healthy and, well, feel like showing off your nekked body in PETA ads. ~ ed.

A meat-free diet promotes good health and protects against numerous diseases, including heart disease, cancer, strokes, and diabetes. Vegetarians and vegans typically weigh 10 to 20 pounds less and live six to 10 years longer than their carnivorous counterparts. Scientists have also found that vegetarians and vegans have stronger immune systems than their meat-eating friends.

Leaving meat off your plate benefits not only one’s health but also animals. “I hope after seeing this campaign that people will … want to go to PETA.org and get more educated and see what happens to these animals in slaughterhouses and how horrible it is, because basically you’re eating fear,” Laflin explains. “So when you see these animals being slaughtered and tortured, that you’ll think twice about ordering that steak.” Watch the video that the meat industry doesn’t want you to see here.

Laflin also shares the secret to her sexiness, saying, “You can have a beautiful body … feel great, look great, and be a vegetarian.” Check out PETA’s free vegetarian/vegan starter kit and experience the benefits of a plant-based diet for yourself.

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