July 18, 2011

Pick Two.

Now, I’m sure there are many of you out there who disagree and have loving wives/husbands boy/girlfriends that you swear embody the holy trinity, and I believe you. Really.

But the other 99% of us gotta pick two:


Dylan Owens is currently a senior in the creative writing program at the University of Colorado. As an ex-baby model, he peaked early, but is mounting a comeback as a writer for elephant journal and the Boulder Today. You can learn about his exploits and interests via photo, blurb and hand-picked Youtube video on his facebook, or simply Google “pickle recipes,” “life-sized Jenga” and “PBR&B” for the same effect.


Bonus Reads:

Love is Selfish.

What Will Make Any Long Term Relationship Work.

Buddhist Weddings.

And… > This is what True Love is, and isn’t.

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