October 27, 2011

Occupy vs. Tea Party: the diagram.

I might be expected to agree with this Diagram—but it just makes me feel Sick.

“Teabaggers” vs. “Fleabaggers”? We can do better.

Us. vs. Them.

On a micro level: where we love to see ourselves as right—or on a macro level, where we objectify and project upon others—our us vs. them tendencies don’t make us happy, and don’t show us reality. I’m with the 99%—I am the 99%—and this chart makes my stomach turn.

Discuss, if so inspired, below—on FB there’s already a kabillion comments, most respectful and informed, from “both sides.” That said, I’ve already seen liberals call the other side “teabaggers” and a Tea Party member call “us” “fleabaggers” (which I thought was pretty witty).

I know President Obama’s had a tough time of it…but can’t we all get along? Can’t we be respectful as we disagree? Can’t we change this culture of aggression?

That doesn’t mean we need to dumb down our values—it doesn’t mean the other side is right and we’re wrong or even that we’re all equally right and wrong—rather the opposite. It means that we need to spout opinions less, and reflect on our own values, the values of our Founding Fathers, and the values of our nation more clearly. We need to remember we’re all in this together.

We need to remember to do our dishes (yes, I’m talking to myself) and watch TV a bit less and eat right and excercise more and get out for a hike and call our mom and live our lives fully.

Protesting is perhaps the greatest form of patriotism, whatever “side” we’re on—second only to the these-days much-maligned path of public service itself.

Getting up off our couch and away from Facebook and doing more than leaving nasty comments? Let’s do it (all together now).


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