October 2, 2012

“I was shot.”

Photo: Occupy Posters

Wednesday’s debate in Denver takes place nine miles from the Aurora theater.

Wednesday’s debate between Gov. Romney and President Obama takes place just nine miles from that movie theater in Aurora. Let’s all remember the human cost—48,000 lives in four years—of gun violence.

Guns aren’t the problem: lack of commonsense, ordinary regulations re access and training is the problem.

Stephen Barton:

“This past summer in a movie theater in Colorado I was shot, shot in the face and neck. But I was lucky. In the next four years, 48,000 Americans won’t be so lucky, because they’ll be murdered with guns in the next president’s term. Enough to fill over 200 theaters. So when you watch the presidential debates, ask yourself: Who has a plan to stop gun violence?”

Stephen Barton survived the mass shooting in Aurora, Colorado. But 12 others didn’t. Watch his personal message asking President Obama and Governor Romney to offer their plans on how they will end gun violence, and join him by signing the petition at www.DemandAPlan.org.

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