November 13, 2012

11 Things to Do If You Don’t Want Plastic Soup for Oceans. {Infographic & Video}

Source: oliviakcarter.blogspot.com via Katherine on Pinterest

Our beautiful oceans. Turning into …

Source: fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net via Lynn on Pinterest

A f*cking plastic mess.

Oceans are life. And we’re destroying them.

Today, roughly 40 percent of the world’s oceans are covered in giant, swirling convergences of garbage, including billions of pounds of plastic.

One million seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals and turtles die yearly due to entanglement or ingestion of plastic. And if you like to eat seafood, odds are you’re ingesting plastic particles. Yum!

Source: completely-coastal.com via Lynn on Pinterest

So I found an infographic with tips to help us save the ocean from this plastic mess.

But before you check that  out, I hope you’ll watch this TED talk video: Captain Charles Moore on the Seas of Plastic.

Source: 25.media.tumblr.com via Lynn on Pinterest

Some say it’s nearly impossible to avoid plastic in our every day lives. I typed this post—and you’re likely reading it—on a computer which has many plastic parts! If we can’t entirely eliminate plastic, we can at least reduce it as much as possible.

Let’s be resourceful and protect our oceans and the entire planet from being transformed into one big plastic dump.

The Center for Biological Diversity filed a petition to the Environmental Protection Agency in August 2012 asking the agency to set plastic pollution limits for ocean waters under the Clean Water Act. I sure hope this will lead to change on a large scale.

How do you reduce the plastic in your life? Please add in the comments section below.

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