May 10, 2013

The Dance of the Masculine & Feminine: How to Harmonize the Polarity of our Relationships. ~ Lizzy Ziogas

As visionary women in 2013, we find ourselves juggling many roles.

Women are now managing the finances, making the plans and taking control of the direction of their lives and relationships. They are having babies, generating income, doing housework, assuring the health and vitality of their families and sharing their gifts within the greater community: Women are trying to save the world.

While these are all very noble duties, meeting the demands of these roles has required us to step out of our natural feminine essence and embody more and more masculine energy.

Masculine energy contains the qualities of directness, control, purpose and doing. While feminine energy embodies the qualities of surrender, trust, sensuality and being.

Every human being is comprised of both masculine and feminine energies, although we have one dominant energy that is more our true essence. For most women, femininity is their true essence. For most men, masculinity is their true essence. With that being said, many women have developed masculine shells in order to build their careers, generate income and manage their families and households.

 A relationship functions like its’ own organism: It will strive to create balance and homeostasis to ensure its survival.

If one partner is embodying their masculine essence, the other partner will subconsciously begin to embody feminine energy to create polarity, attraction, ease and balance within the relationship. Like batteries, a relationship needs both a positive (masculine) and negative (feminine) pole to generate electricity and create attraction. So when we, as women, are embodying more masculine energy, we will notice that our men begin to embody more feminine energy and vice versa.

When I look around in conscious communities, I notice many women are having the same complaint within their relationships. They fell in love with their partners because they were sensitive, emotionally responsible, spiritual, creative and in the flow. They were everything their emotionally unavailable dads were not: They were comfortable in their feminine essence. As time has passed, they have realized that their own feminine essence has been compromised. They are experiencing pain at the very core of their being because most of the roles that they now find themselves in are not an expression of their true feminine essence of flow, creativity, trust and surrender. At the same time I see many men in pain at the core of their being because they are not fully embodying the direction of their life purpose. They are not expressing their gifts to the fullest magnitude.

  It seems that in effort to be different than those that came before, we have lost connection to our inner most essences as men and women.

So how can we reclaim our femininity and call our men into their masculinity?

As feminine women, we are naturally sensual and earthy creatures. When we are fully present and deeply at home in our bodies and on the earth, we align with our highest calling—to become radiant and magnetic forces of support and blessing to those around us. When we look within, we see that our truest longings are for love, intimacy, creativity and self-expression: We are yearning to make meaningful contributions to the next seven generations. When we begin to align our lives daily with these attributes; we manifest and experience the true fulfillment of our soul’s purpose.

 As we take responsibility for our own fulfillment, we take back our power.

As we choose to express our femininity fully, our partners will naturally exhibit more masculinity to maintain the polarity of the relationship. Our nurturing and empowering feminine presence will actually inspire our men to rise into their true masculine essence; catalyze the evolution of their purpose and leadership.

I believe that we will see major shifts in the collective consciousness when we each align with our true purpose for being born at this time in history. That the greatest way for us to save the world is to embody our deepest essence and to support others in doing the same. When we all eventually make this choice, the hologram of human potential will be activated and anything will be possible.

Please take what resonates as truth for you and leave what does not. Thank you.


Lizzy (Elizabeth Isis Ziogas) is a relationship coach and feminine visionary. She is co-founder of Conscious Love Revolution, an online network of empowered individuals consciously choosing a new way of being, relating in partnership and in the world. Her work is centered in the belief that the missing link in manifesting an absolutely healthy, happy, whole generative planet and human family lies in our ability to relate to one another in responsible and compassionate ways. Lizzy and her partner, JahSun Martini, offer individual and group coaching, as well as a free 2-week e-course to support couples in having fulfilling, empowering, and co-creative conscious relationships. They believe that when we heal our relationships, we create the possibility of a healed world. Visit Conscious Love Revolution to learn more about their work and free access to their course: Conscious Love 101.


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  • Assistant Ed: Dusty Ranft
  • Ed: Brianna Bemel


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