August 8, 2013

The Gift of Shattering.

“Once in a while, if you are lucky, the Universe will ask you to shatter… shatter your preconceived ideas, fears, identities, imaginations… all things not rooted in Truth.” Lila Lolling

Shattering happens when our current frequency needs adjusting for our highest spiritual evolution.

Shattering is a forced shifting and a forced change in frequency. 

On the spiritual path, it seems that if you want to experience the peace within, you must be willing to shatter, shatter the ego, shatter the veils of self-identity, and shatter all beliefs.

The beauty of the shatter is that once you relinquish your old identity and story, what remains in the core of who you are… that part of yourself that is your authentic being. All the negativity that surrounded you goes back into existence. This process of dissolution allows for rebirth and spiritual transformation.

For the next two weeks, it is the time of Shiva, the destroyer. This is an auspicious time to let go of the old and make way for the new. A beautiful time to recommit yourself to your spiritual evolution. To continue to turn over the leaves of life and investigate what lies under each one.

Remember, shattering gives you the ability to live freely in every moment. It allows you to redefine who you are in every  single moment. It is the key for personal transformation and spiritual Truth.

Ask yourself…“How willing am I to step out of the drama and step into the Light, into a world beyond names, forms, adjectives, and even roles? How willing am I to redefine myself in every moment? How willing am I to intimately know every nook and cranny of the totality of my being, right now, in this moment?

Shatter beloved. Shatter those identities and ideas… for what remains is only space, only God, only Light.

Lila Lolling was my first yoga teacher, other than Richard Hittleman and Beryl Bender Birch via their books. I met her in early 2001 at Champion Fitness when I attended her hatha yoga class with two colleagues from the advertising agency where I worked.

It had never before crossed my mind to attend an actual class, I was so used to practicing on my own with the aid of a book.

Immediately after class, I befriended and interrogated the instructor. Her name back then was Brenda, and she gushed about how much she’d loved her month-long Sivananda teacher training at an ashram in Canada. I looked it up online, got the brochure and applied. I didn’t see the need to investigate any other teacher training options.

It was a yoga teacher training fail. Nevertheless, after that shatter, I eventually picked myself back up again.

I’ve been teaching yoga and mindfulness ever since.

Living in the San Francisco Bay area in 2003 and 2004, I began to study Zen Buddhism and started a formal sitting meditation practice. Then I fell in love with a Fundamentalist Christian. Upon my return to Austin, I had a nervous breakdown, recovered, became a school teacher, and bought a house. I made a pilgrimage to north India in the summer of 2008, and relocated to Guatemala in August of 2009.

At the moment, I am in Colombia on a honeymoon of sorts. (We got married on July 19th in a civil ceremony.)

The week after our non-wedding, our baby daughter, Jade, came down with a fever. She was admitted into the hospital on Monday, July 29. She was released from the hospital one week later, this past Monday, August 5. Yesterday, we celebrated her seven-month birthday. For a host of reasons that I will explore in a later post, I shattered. I reached my edge. I arrived at the end of my rope.

Things fell apart.

Then, the sun set and the sun rose again. Time marched on. I got better with a little help from my fairy friends.

So, when I saw Lila s beautiful writings this morning on shattering, I had to share it, and this, with you.


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Ed: Sara Crolick

{photo: via Pinterest}

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