December 28, 2013

What if Gay was Straight & Straight was Gay?

video screenshot gay straight

This is an eye opening account of what it would look like if the shoe were on the other foot.

Intolerance and hatred of another person because of their sexuality is awful no matter who it is, but the impact of this video—where heterosexuality is viewed as wrong—highlights why it shouldn’t matter who loves who.

In this stunning and heart-wrenching video starring Lexi DiBenedetto, a girl experiences the kind of torment that kids and teens go through still, today.

Does anyone want this for their children?

As a parent, I strive to make it known that my sons will be accepted no matter who they are or who they bring home to dinner. We talk about inequality and bullying regularly, especially when the schoolyard taunt “you’re gay” comes up in conversation.



Relephant reads:

Gay Love? Straight Love? How About Just Love. 

Bullies with Authority.

A Developmentally Challenged Boy is Getting Bullied. What His Peers Do Will Surprise You.

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