February 16, 2014

“25 years apart: My Mom & Me. Same dress, same age. (2 Photos) ~ Christine H. McConnell

mother daughter

Update: elephant asked her to contribute as a writer, and she said yes! Here’s her first. 9 photos: Peach-Tree Pie. ~ Christine McConnell

25 years later. Same dress, same accessories. We’re also the same age in both photos.

Via @christinehmcconnell on Instagram, where all her photos and art projects and bakings and wall paintings are magnetizing and inspiring and incredibly personal, yet classic.

“My Dad bought [this dress] for her to cheer her up after my grandmother passed unexpectedly. It was extravagant for her at the time and was kept in a bag in the back of her closet till she gave it to me a few years ago.”

With thanks for the heads up to the neverending world and community of Reddit, where there’s a discussion including further context via Ms. McConnell.

Also by Miss McConnell: this recreation, starring hers truly, of Weird Science.




For much more: here.



The Girl in the Red Dress, New York City. Robert Sturman Photography.

Photographer Turns Catcalling Men into Subjects of Gorgeous Photography. {Video}

Strangers Feeling Love for One Another: Through Photography.

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