February 15, 2014

Ellen Page talks about a Society without Shame or Shaming.

ellen page gay

Raw. Courageous. Nervous. Eloquent. Humble. Joyful.

So happy and proud for her.  Just ignore your newsfeed and the news and watch this without knowing what’s to come. It’s a powerful moment to experience along with Ellen and the crowd.

So many powerful quotes from the heart, I couldn’t pick just one. And I don’t want to ruin your experience of watching this for the first time by giving too much away. So, just, enjoy this powerful moment of love.

PS: we’ll save just a little Shame to say Shame on You, E!Online.



Shame On You: Let’s Cut the Crap.

The Promise & Peril of Fear, Guilt & Shame.

She’s more than this event, of course. Much more: Ellen Page on Bill Maher: Vanishing of the Bees. {Video}

Jon Stewart on: U. of Missouri star linebacker Michael Sam comes out in advance of NFL Draft. Will be league’s first openly gay player.

The fact is, I’m gay, always have been, always will be, & I couldn’t be any more happy, comfortable with myself, & proud.

What if Gay was Straight & Straight was Gay? {Warning: Triggering Video.}

“The Dalai Lama’s views on gay sex.”

Chanting in the Closet: Why Am I So Afraid to Come Out? ~ Kathryn E. Livingston

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