March 30, 2014

Cultivate Renewal with this New Moon Creative Engagement Activity.

art mandala

The new Moon is upon us.

As per this week’s horoscopes:

New Moon is Sunday 3.30  at 13:45 CDT while in Pisces and Uttarabhadrapada nakshatra—joining Sun here as well. Sun and Moon will be receiving drishti from Mars. Uttarabhadrapada is ruled by Saturn and Ahirbudhnya, the son of Vishvakarma and Surabhi. He is a serpent of the nether regions, hidden realms and mystical knowledge. He provokes studying, research and knowledge. Though he is a Rudra, he can remove calamity and misfortune because of his intense understanding and depth.

This new Moon offers us insights, contemplation and a chance to move our attention inward for greater consciousness development over the next two weeks. A certain sharpness may be accessible and available to us at this time. Desires to grow, advance and expand our knowledge and understanding will be heightened as well. Paying attention to the physical body and the mind/body connection will be especially helpful during this cycle. Somatic integration is supported and encouraged. Think: embodiment.

new moon

As we empty our cups and let go of the last cycle, we are given the opportunity for creating something new and cultivating renewal.

Mandalas are my preferred activity for both new Moon and full Moon as they symbolize wholeness, a sacred container and unlimited creative potential.

Use the pelvis this week as your somatic entry point. Move hips from side to side and in circles; notice the connection to the lower half of the body and the upper half. Note the nearness to the belly. Pelvis helps us work on vulnerability, giving/receiving, creation/creating and fulfillment.

Bring presence to your body with complete breaths and fluidity of your movements.

If you did last week’s CE Activity, look at your garden as a prompt for this activity:

Come to your drawing pad and draw a circle. On the outside of the circle write down the pieces of life you are discarding, that aren’t working, that need to be let go of…pieces that aren’t bringing you harmony and joy. The inside of the circle is where you are free to create what you are moving towards. What fills your circle? What do you need right now? What are you making space for in your life?

Harvesting questions:

What am I filling my Self with?
What am I emptying my Self of?
What am I letting flow towards me?
What am I moving away from?
What space am I creating for spring?
What is there no longer space for in my life?

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Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Provided by author

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