June 21, 2014

Heart Connections: The Best of Our Graduated Apprentices.

quote heart touch kindness love caring

As summer arrives, we say goodbye to our spring elephants, a group of heart connections that held their trunks strong and high during a flood of change and challenge.

For the last four (too) short months, we’ve seen each of you blossom into the kind of wordsmiths that make elephant proud: mindful, dedicated and inspired. You have embraced and engaged with the elephant journal community (family, really) and your positive impact on us all was impressive and heart-warming.

To each of you:

Kim Haas, Yaisa Nio, Sarvasmarana Nithya, Jessica Sandhu, Amani Omejer, Ola Anna, Kathryn Muyskens, Marcee Murray King, Sara Qureshi, Hannah Harris, Amanda Taylor, Jen Weddle, Brandie Smith, Ashleigh Hitchcock, Lauryn DeGrado, Sue Adair, Jess Sheppard, Kimby Maxson, Chriss Tustison, Carrie Marzo, Emily Bartran

With a trumpet of our trunks, we say thank you and congratulations on successful completion of elephant journal’s Apprenticeship Program.

paulo coelho quote

Here they are, our graduates:

Kim Haas: Being a Yoga Crybaby.

Yaisa Nio: The 101 Uses of Baking Soda.

Sarvasmarana Nithya: 14 Things I Don’t Do Anymore.

Jessica Sandhu: Ready to Love (8 Reflections).

Amani Omejer: Healing a Suicide Attempt: My Internal Wardrobe.

Kathryn Muyskens: I Don’t Want to Love You Anxiously.

Marcee Murray King: Dad Traded a Lie for My Life.

Sara Qureshi: Running Against the Wind.

Hannah Harris: Art, a Definition / Creativity, a Manifesto.

Amanda Taylor: Mona Lisa Smile.

Jen Weddle: The Death of Journalism.

Brandie Smith: Loving Beyond Fear: A Graceful Warrior’s Story.

Ashleigh Hitchcock: 10 Ways to Take Care of Ourselves when we’re Suffering from Burn Out.

Ola Anna: Ritual Suicide & the Infinite Lotus Bomb.

Lauryn DeGrado: Passe Hetero: An Addiction to Feeling Normal?

Sue Adair: The Other Side of My Dream.

Jess Sheppard: Things I Tell Myself in the Middle of the Night.

Kimby Maxson: Old Habits Die Hard.

Chriss Tustison: Simple Activism for Broke Animal Lovers.

Carrie Marzo: For the Givers…& the Takers.

Emily Bartran: Thoughts On Letting Go, From Someone Who Holds On.

Thank you, babelephants, for putting so much heart and soul into learning and being of service. With love and appreciation: Bryonie Wise (elephant retiree) Catherine Monkman, Rachel Nussbaum, Renée Picard, Travis May, Lindsey Block, and our wise teacher, Waylon Lewis.

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Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photos: Sean MacEntee/Flickr, partie traumatic/Flickr

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