July 18, 2014

“After this point, higher pay does not increase happiness.”


Money Can Buy Happiness & Other First-World Problems.

10 Things I Would like to Tell my 20-Year-Old Self. 

Happiness in a Thatched Hut.

Six Easy Tips for Living Smart on a Budget.~

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The Happy Mappy.

~ Via my beautiful charming friend Sarah: “I’m so close to happiness…just a kidney sale, some hooking, and a surrogate pregnancy away.” For much more: Huffington Post: “Here Is The Income Level At Which Money Won’t Make You Any Happier In Each State.”

“…if you live in a place like Hawaii, where the cost of living is relatively high, a household needs to make $122,175 per year before some extra cash doesn’t really translate into more happiness. In Mississippi, by comparison, the threshold at which more money stops making you happier is a lot lower: $65,850 per year.”



For more: according to a Princeton study, more money makes people happier up to $75,000 a year. After that point, higher pay does not increase happiness.(content.time.com)

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