August 31, 2014

Hara Shiva Shankara. ~ Ashley Laframboise {Poem}

indian sacred dance

We’ve been dancing for some years now—

four, to be exact,

and longer, too,

if you count all the practice rounds

we’ve had.

I still haven’t learned your steps, though,

which are always changing.

I still haven’t learned to ride

with your rhythms, or sink

into your smooth samba,

your passionate tango,

or your crazy rumba.

You change the rules too often.

You change the music.


And I know that whatever you’re doing

is what I need.

And I know that I just need to let

you lead.


When that Sacred dance comes on,

with its drums, its Indian voices singing

Hara Shiva Shankara, I know

that you are dispelling fear,

destroying illusions,

dismantling doubt.

You only want me to stand

on my own two feet, and have the courage

to look you square in the eye,

without blinking,

and not only tell,

but show you

what you know I’m made of.


And if you really want to see

how strong I am,

I won’t show you

by going my own way,

or dancing to my own music,

or attempting to control or distort

the truth—

but rather by surrendering

to what you want from me.

My strength lies in my ability

and more than that, my choice

to be soft and open.





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Apprentice Editor: Guenevere Neufeld / Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Flickr / Brendan Lally

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Ashley Laframboise