January 5, 2015

4 Sex Positions for Deeper Intimacy. {Adult}


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I don’t know about you, but for me the new year brings possibilities for growth and expansion.

An excellent arena for growth and expansion is our sex life. With that in mind, I present here four sexual positions that you may wish to incorporate into your encounters with your beloved.

In keeping with my goal of helping to create deeper intimacy between couples, I’ve chosen these positions based on their high connectivity factor—both physically and spiritually.

You may very well have tried a few of these before, or perhaps they’re entirely new to you. Regardless, give them a try, with the intention of uniting on a level beyond mere corporeal gratification. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that once in a while!)

With all these positions, remember to connect with your beloved by breathing. If you feel yourself “getting into your head,” stop and breathe to reestablish the energetic union with your partner.

Woman-on-Top Positions


One of the best adjustments to the Female Superior position (i.e., woman straddling her partner while he sits or reclines) requires only that the woman place her feet on either side of her partner’s hips (rather than her knees, which is the typical position for “woman-on-top”).

What makes this adjustment so great? This position allows for optimum control on the woman’s part. In addition, the angle of her pelvic bone and genitals creates concentrated stimulation of the penis.

An added bonus is that both partners are able to see each other’s faces, bodies, and genitals—and both partners have their hands free for mutual touching and teasing.

“Reclining Amazon”

This is a slight variation on what’s called the “Reverse Cowgirl,” where the woman straddles the man, but faces away from him. (A nice one in itself. Try the “Squatting” technique above with this as well.) In “Reclining Amazon,” the woman lies back on her partner’s chest.

Some flexibility is needed here, but if you go slowly and unfold each leg until it is straight, you should not have to lose penetration during the transition.

This position is very intimate, despite the fact that you and your partner cannot see each other’s faces. Both partners are able to receive more pleasure than just penetration as well.

The man is able to touch the length of his partner’s body—almost as easily as he might touch his own—and the woman is literally able to lie back and enjoy the caresses.

Man-on-Top Positions

“Peace Sign”

“Make love, not war” has a whole new meaning with this position. In it, the woman keeps her legs closed during penetration. The man places his legs on the outside of hers.

This is a fantastic position for intense stimulation for both partners, particularly if your bodies “fit” together well. Either or both partner can squeeze their legs tighter—woman’s together and/or man’s against the woman’s (although this alters the “peace sign” visual effect)—and the woman can also concentrate on squeezing her PC muscles to contract around the penis.

 “The Anvil”

This position is ideal for deep penetration, and it only requires one shift from standard missionary position.

Instead of the woman’s legs stretched out (or lifted) on either side of the man’s hips, in the anvil position, the woman raises her feet above her partner’s shoulders. Minor flexibility is needed for this position, but not as much as you might think.

The more flexible the woman is, the closer her partner can bend down to her. And if she is able, she can lift her hips slightly as he moves into her. Either way, the deep penetrative effects can still be gained from the couple remaining essentially in a 90-degree angle.

If you have suggestions for other intimacy-deepening positions, feel free to share them in the comments section below. For the bold ones, use the comments area to share your experiences with the above positions. How did they work for you and your partner?

Happy loving!


Relephant Reads:

The Yoga of Tantric Love.

10 Yoga Poses to Improve Your Sex Life.


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Author: Rachel Astarte

Editor: Travis May

Photo: Foundry / Pixabay 


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