April 4, 2015

For my Sensitive Soul Sisters: It’s Our Time to Shine.


We are bright, shimmering beacons of light, but we turn away from our glittering brilliance, instead lingering silently in shrouded shadows.

We soak up a thousand emotional impressions in the span of seven seconds, so easily losing track of our own hearts, our own minds, our own pain and our own needs.

We are tailor-made to soothe panicked heartbeats and bestow smiles on suffering souls, but we lose sight of the juicy joy in curling our own lips upward into a gutsy, no-holds-barred grin.

We are born to breathe in the world’s pounding panic and bursting joy and bitter hatred and luscious love, but we forget the fierce dragon-like freedom in exhaling the at-times exhausting struggle of sensing so much.

We have waterfall hearts.

They flow and flow, spilling over into stormy streams, cascading into choppy currents of raw emotion.

We fear suffocating from the sheer force of those foamy, fast-moving waters, occasionally coughing up seaweed, sometimes choking on scratchy grains of sand.

But, sisters, we are born to feel it all.

We are born to swim in salty seas of tears, dive into dark oceans of despair, and soar to snow capped peaks of euphoria.

We are born to feel intensely and completely and shockingly deeply.

We just have to remember who we are.

Because sisters, our sensitivity doesn’t make us weak.

It never did.

And it never will.

Our hearts are incredibly courageous, containing insurmountable strength in their plush petals of softness.

Today is the day our succulently sensitive souls will tap us on the shoulder and say:

“I love you. Please don’t hide anymore.”

Because right now, in this very instant, in this one-of-a-kind moment, it’s the perfect time to bloom, to explode, to unfurl, to fly and to soar.

To shine.

Yes, sisters, it’s our time to shine.

Let’s crank our inner light switches to full force, enabling our sparkly souls to sunbathe in their own infinite radiance for days and days on end.

Let’s declare the badass beauty of our sensitivity from mountaintop meadows, forest fields, city sidewalks and crashing turquoise waves.

Let’s shout at the top of our f*cking lungs, forcing our fear and doubt and shame to escape through ferocious, wildly cathartic roars.

Let’s draw one another into our lives, because sisters, we need each other, now, more than ever.

It’s our time to shine.

It’s time to water the thorns in our trembling hearts, transforming those prickly, painful little buggers into beautiful buds of blooming possibility.

It’s time to pick up those punishing seeds of self-denial and let them slip right through our soft fingertips while a warm breeze blows them far, far away.

It’s time to care for ourselves outrageously tenderly, spritzing our starving souls with soothing chamomile kisses and luscious lilac love.

It’s time to root down into our silky hearts so fiercely that no amount of pain or shock or sadness or fear will shake that steady foundation.

It’s time to own the electrifying pulsation of our undeniable power.

Sisters, it’s time to burst open our sensitive hearts more than ever because the world needs our softness.

We need our softness.

Sisters, it’s time.

It’s our time to shine.



Relephant Reads:

She Let Go.

Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Renee Jahnke

Photo: FlickrOlga Ferrer Saladié



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