The betrayal.
When did the soul woman lose her soul,
When did she feel the most betrayed,
Was it when her sugar man deceived her bowl,
Or was it when he strayed?
When did the wise woman lose her wit,
When did she feel the most befooled,
Was it when her teacher lost his grit,
Or was it when he schooled?
When did the loving woman lose her love,
When did she feel the most denied,
Was it when her beloved wouldn’t see,
Or was it when he spied?
When did the childish woman lose her play,
When did she feel the most constrained,
Was it when her daddy lead astray,
Or was it when he chained?
When did the wild woman lose her beast,
When did she feel most tamed,
Was it when her hunter leashed her wrist,
Or was it when he aimed?
No matter what betrayal she has stored,
What blindness, taming, hurt,
A woman’s soul can be restored
By digging up her dirt.
To all men who have taught me Me, with love an reverence.
Ghost Parade. {Poem}
Author: Irina Latis
Volunteer Editor: Kim Haas /Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock
Photo: Dee Ashley /Flickr
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