October 8, 2015

A Meditation for the Witches at Halloween: Blessed Samhain.

Some days we just need to take a walk in the woods.

Some nights we just need to howl at the moon.

Some days we just need to light a candle for ourselves or for others.

Some nights we just need to dance under the stars.

Some days we just need to remember.

Some nights we just need to feel.

Some days we just need to run.

Some nights we just need to rest.

Samhain, more commonly known as Halloween, is the Witches’ New Year.

It is the night when we remember those we’ve lost and what the past year has harvested. It is not yet time to reap the rewards of our work. It is the time to set aside our own desires or goals and remember that we are part of something so much more than any individual dream.

This sacred time is for the ancestors. It is a time for the fallen.

We honor all of those who have come before.

Here is a meditation:

We are entering the darker half of the year in the northern hemisphere, as our part of the earth begins to settle down for a long winter’s rest. Take this time to remember the good and know that soon all the dreams you have worked towards manifesting will bloom.

Keep the faith.

Stay the course.

Love the journey.


Relephant read:

The Peril & Power of Calling Ourselves Witches, Shamans & Goddesses.


Author: Stacey Porter

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren

Image: Author’s own


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