October 20, 2015

Dear Daughter, You’re More Precious than any Diamond.



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Dear Daughter,

You don’t know your own value. This is (probably) because growing up in foster care and with other families, you were never told that you were valued—or you were never shown what it means to value yourself.

So, I just want to tell you this—your value doesn’t have a number, and it can’t be measured in dollars, silver or even gold.

You are more precious than any diamond—more important than all of the money in the world. Just because your value can’t be measured, it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

We see it every day.

It’s in your smile, your laugh—and in the way you give us a hug.

It’s in how hard you try, though I know your life has been difficult.

It’s in each and every moment we spend together—those moments are invaluable to us.

You may not realize this now, but I hope you do someday—you are the most important person in the world to us.

You are our world.

We’d choose you, over any amount of money, yachts or mansions—anything.

Why? Because we know your value.

Your value is in just being you, and we want to help you share yourself with the world. We want to help you heal.

We hate seeing you cry or seeing you upset. We just want you to be happy. We hate seeing others bully you or make fun of you. We want you to know that there is nothing wrong with you—you’re perfect just the way you are.

Though we don’t always agree, and we may make each other angry at times, we only want what’s best for you. We want to help teach you your value.

You are a daughter, a friend, a student—but you are also so much more.

You are a beautiful young woman who has so much to offer. And one day, the right person will see that.

Know that you don’t need a boyfriend to be complete, you will always have us.

Know that you don’t deserve to be treated badly, and we are here to show you that you only deserve respect.

You have had us with you since that day in September, and you always will.

You’re not alone anymore.

You don’t have to go through life alone.

When you’re struggling—please talk to us.

When you need help getting up—we’ll be there.

And most importantly—if you ever need a reminder of your value—please just remember that you are priceless to us.

All of our Love,
Mom & Dad



Dear Daughter, May You Never Feel Lost.


Author: Alexa Linger

Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Flickr/martinak15

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