April 18, 2016

6 Ways to Manifest our Desires by Using our Subconscious Mind.


Flickr/Mike Lay

As humans, we’re blessed with the innate power to make wonders happen—if we know how to use our gifts.

I learned this while reading Joseph Murphy’s 1963 book, “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,” which he wrote after supposedly curing his skin cancer through the practice of subconscious intelligence.

Although our years are sometimes stagnated with difficulties, problems and sickness, we all desire a life full of happiness and freedom. So how can we achieve that by tapping into the intelligence that resides within the depth of our own subconscious?

“The Power of Your Subconscious Mind” suggests that there is a scientific practice that enables us to get what we want in life: the Law of Belief.

Our mind possesses two functional parts: the conscious and subconscious. I look at it as a garden, and we are the gardeners. All day long, we are planting seeds of thought from the conscious mind into the subconscious mind. As we sow, shall we reap in our day-to-day life.

If the thoughts deposited in our subconscious mind are harmonious, constructive and peaceful, we will bring about harmonious conditions. The subconscious mind doesn’t reason things out like the conscious mind does—it simply accepts what is impressed upon it.

Long before stumbling upon “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind,” I had many experiences that proved to me the truthfulness of the Law of Belief. Through the years, I noticed that the things that have manifested in my life were the ones I have incessantly thought about. Not all of them were good, however. Anything I dropped into my subconscious was reflected in my life. Be it breakups, sickness, business failures or trauma, I have attracted all of them through my thoughts.

I’ve recently started paying more attention to what I imprint in my mind.

Below are six techniques that can trigger our subconscious mind to adhere to the Law of Belief and eventually help us manifest our innermost desires.

1. The Visualization Technique.

With this technique, it is suggested that we visualize an idea and see it in our minds as vividly as if it were real. What we create in our imagination will one day appear in our world. What we visualize becomes manifested as facts and experiences as long as we are faithful to the mental images we are forming.

I practiced this technique before I even knew about the power of the subconscious mind and its capabilities. There was one particular job where I kept visualizing that something would go wrong with a manager whom I wasn’t on good terms with. After few months something did go wrong and I lost my job. I experienced exactly what I imagined. Now I am careful about which ideas I build up in my mind, and try my best to manifest the positive instead of the negative.

2. Mental-Movie Method.

Whatever we would like to manifest in our lives, should be played as a movie in our minds. A mental picture held in the mind—backed by faith—will come to pass. Suppose you have a property or house that you want to sell. Quiet your mind, relax and picture the buyer and the check in your hands. Rejoice in the check and give thanks. This infinite intelligence will actually draw in the buyer who really wants the property.

I mostly use this technique when I have a business meeting with someone. I picture the meeting unfolding in an auspicious and fulfilling way. Usually, the meeting goes exactly the way I have envisioned it, be it good or bad. Just last week I had a meeting about a freelance job. On my way to the meeting I kept imagining in my mind that the client and I would come to a successful agreement. And it happened.

3. The Baudoin Technique.

Charles Baudoin was a professor at the Rousseau Institute in France. He discovered that the best way to impress the subconscious mind is during sleepy states, because all effort is reduced and the conscious mind, with all its negativity, is submerged to a greater extent. During this state, ideas are easily imprinted in our memory and our subconscious can easily accept them.

Therefore, if we enter into a drowsy, sleepy state, or a state akin to sleep, we can convey our idea by reflection and repeat it all over again so it can be attached to our memory.

Before sleeping, I dedicate at least five minutes to reflect my desires. Whatever I wish to unfold the next day, or in my life in general, I repeat in my mind right before I enter a state of deep sleep.

4. The “Thank You” Technique.

A thankful heart is causes more blessings to flow toward it. The book details a story about a woman who was out of a job; she repeated “Thank you for my wealth,” three times daily and reconditioned her mind to accept the idea of wealth. Shortly after growing a thankful attitude, she was offered a well-paying job.

I’ve been using the “Thank You” method to draw positive events into my life for years. I discovered that being thankful is a great method of healing that manifests positivity in my days. Every night I repeat a mantra of thanks to the universe for being healthy, happy, peaceful and aware.

5. The Affirmative Method.

When we affirm health, harmony and peace, we rearrange the negative patterns of our subconscious mind. If you are sick, affirm to yourself that you are healthy. If you are sad, affirm to yourself that you are happy. To affirm is to basically state that something “is so.” Repeating an affirmation leads the mind to that state of consciousness where it accepts that which you state is true.

I use this technique when I’m feeling sick. I affirm to myself that I’m healthy and okay. It has reduced my sickness a bit and with time, I stopped taking any medications as I know my sickness will quickly perish.

6. The Argumentative Method.

This method asks us to argue with our subconscious mind. If we are feeling sick, we should convince ourselves that sickness is due to false beliefs, groundless fears and negative patterns lodged in our subconscious. By changing our thought patters, we can find ways to heal.

I always use this at the end of a workout or jog. When I start to feel tired, I argue with my mind—convincing myself that I can make it to the end. I tell myself that my wanting to stop is a false belief. Once I finish, I give my mind permission to rest.

It’s not an easy task to reprogram our minds, but I’ve found that the benefits of changing our thoughts are worth it.


Author: Elyane Youssef

Editor: Nicole Cameron

Image: Mike Lay/Flickr


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