March 4, 2017

Venus Retrograde in Aries & Pisces: The Perfect Time for Love.

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Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


“Our soulmate is the one who makes life come to life.” ~ Unknown 


On Saturday, March 4th, Venus will begin her retrograde period in the courageous sign of Aries.

Venus retrograde is a phenomenon occurring once every 18 months or so. The actual phase lasts approximately six weeks, but because of the shadow zones at the beginning and end of Venus’ movement, we will find ourselves under this Venusian energy for the better half of 2017.

Venus rules all partnerships, but most specifically our romantic affairs. This is the time when our closest unions will undergo microscopic scrutiny, to see if where we are is actually where we want to be. Oftentimes, we are meant to be in less than ideal relationships, not because they are supposed to last but instead to learn valuable lessons.

Yet there is a time when even the most optimistic lover has to see the truth of the situation.

We fool ourselves better than anyone else. We talk ourselves into happiness or out of love, but while we kid ourselves about what we are actually feeling, it doesn’t actually change the truth of the matter.

Everything happens exactly how it is meant to. We are right where we are meant to be, even if it also means that we will eventually be leaving here as well.

Venus slides into retrograde in Aries: the sign of independence, courage, and strength. Oftentimes, this sign can be too headstrong and careless of others’ feelings, yet these energies are also exactly what we need in order to see things we never wanted to before.

Aries will give us the courage to plunge into the blinding truth of love.

In love’s fiery embrace, we will see our romantic partnerships for what they truly are. Perhaps we will see them as our ultimate soulmate relationship, or we may come to realize that we’re in this relationship out of convenience or because we settled when our souls weren’t ready for more.

There’s no time for sitting on the sidelines and waiting, hoping that someone else will make a choice. The hopeless plight of indecision is gone, because Aries knows what it wants and it won’t tolerate any less.

As we venture further into the Venusian energy of March, we will also be under the influence of the sun in Pisces, which will have us audaciously delving into our deepest emotional realms involving love, lessons, and worthiness.

“I can say with great certainty and absolute honesty that I did not know what love was until I knew what love was not.” ~ P.T. Berkeley

Some moments seem devised purely by the cosmos above. There are instances when it seems the stars collided to create the sparks of great love; this is one of those moments.

But, it won’t be easy.

This is the kicker about this real kind of love that we are seeking: it won’t come until we are ready to see it for what it really is.

This love won’t come dressed as softness and light; it won’t appease our fears and help us to maintain these walls against our staggering vulnerabilities. No, this kind of love, isn’t going to be easy at all.

This kind of love that we’ve been traveling toward all along is going to find us no matter where we hide. It’s going to be rocky and painful at times, as we are confronted with our darkest demons. It’s going to challenge what we thought love was and who we thought we were.

And just when we think we’ve gotten it all figured out, an even deeper layer of love will be revealed.

Before anything gets easier, it will first become more difficult; this is the most important aspect to beware of at the beginning retrograde phase. Not all of us will experience this, especially if we stayed open during February’s eclipses and Venus’ transit in Pisces in January. But if we chose to hide instead of walking into the light, then these next few weeks we may suddenly find ourselves blinded by the truth.

Venus retrogrades are interesting because we suddenly don’t have a sense of our wants and desires. The heart wants what it wants, and during a retrograde period, it won’t be able to find a reason why it shouldn’t have it; this is why affairs are more common during a retrograde period. Yet the affair itself isn’t as important as the reason why.

None of us seek experiences with another partner if we are being fully satisfied sexually, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually in our current relationship. If we are seeking something outside of this, it’s because one of our core needs is not being met.

The first step in getting the love we want is to actually believe we can have it all.

If we continue to believe that we can’t have our every need met, then we will continue to feel unsatisfied. Pisces’ dreamy, passionate energy will end the Venus retrograde on April 15th, when we are well into spring and a new solar cycle. Pisces’ romantic energy is persuading us that this time, love isn’t too good to be true, but only because we have finally learned that we deserve it.

Brand new energy abounds.

Whether it’s a new love or just a new level within a relationship, we will transition during the next six weeks from thinking that we have it all figured out to realizing we don’t, even though we have never been happier.

This is the truth about love: When we finally learn all we need to, suddenly nothing but the love itself matters.

“Somebody who betters you. Somebody who inspires and encourages you in love and in life, who pushes you towards dreams and goals you’d otherwise ignore, who selflessly sacrifices their time to helping you become a more courageous, well rounded and happy human being. That’s sacred. You hold onto a love like that.” ~ Beau Taplin



Author: Kate Rose

Image: Instagram @spinnerweb

Editor: Ashleigh Hitchcock 

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