May 19, 2017

I have no problem with that Chinese Dog Meat Festival.*

Look at those meaty haunches.
1. I’m vegan. Sorry, I don’t crossfit.
2. I have no problem with that infamous Chinese dog meat festival—you know the one that Westerners love to protest. Of course, I do have a problem with it—I’m vegan, and would love to see us stop causing harm and torture and death to our animal friends. But if you protest that festival, then go home and eat cow, or sit back while developers plow over intelligently, language-speaking prairie dogs (read this, it’s beautiful)…c’mon. Same goes for Western horror at dolphin-killing. It is horrific!
But we have to walk our compassion talk, first, or we are only self-righteously blaming other cultures for what we find “weird.”
3. If you think killing dolphins or prairie dogs or dogs is sad, then stop eating meat. Also, being vegetarian is not enough.


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