Whether Astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.
This month’s full moon is on Friday, June 9th.
Full moons always represent a time of fulfillment. They reveal the culmination of what has been planted and grown over the past waxing moon phase, following the new moon. We find answers during a full moon if our questions were planted at the time of the new moon.
That said, we are required to be diligent in our relationship with setting intentions and bringing earnest effort towards the unfolding process.
The new moon in Gemini on May 25th invited us to entertain new ideas with a spirit of curiosity and open-mindedness. The evolutionary lesson? Be shocked! Expose ourselves to exciting, wild, wondrous pieces of information, and experience what forces us to open and expand to wider possibilities.
The sun’s progression through the sign of Gemini has continued to expose us to revolutionary ideas, offering an opportunity for endless learning. Gemini energy is highly porous, so our channels for receiving external stimulation are heightened.
As the full moon has been approaching, it closes into a conjunction to Saturn in the sign of Sagittarius. Here we are propelled to gather up the wide-ranging ideas we have collected and apply some discernment in the matters that pertain to our beliefs, our philosophies, and our worldview. We need to determine: From what we have gathered, what do we want to keep, and what we want to throw out? The new information we keep must have integrity.
The Sun is quincunx Pluto, adding an uncomfortable intensity to this full moon that requires us to make adjustments and accommodations in regard to the information-gathering and discernment process.
The big questions for June’s Sagittarius full moon are:
Have we been open enough to take in and consider new information during this moon phase that might be of value to us as we rework our understanding and our relationship to truth?
Have we invested the time and effort to research these ideas on our own, using our own sensibilities to determine what we perceive, rather than relying on the conditioning agents (family, friends, television, internet) around us?
Do we have the level of discernment necessary to filter out programmed and prescribed beliefs, philosophies, and world views from what is real?
Have we been able to hold our ego at bay in this exploration process, or has it hindered us from fully diving in?
How has holding on to these outdated beliefs, philosophies, and world views been difficult?
How have we been able to eliminate, adjust, and make accommodations for what is less useful as we assimilate the old and new truths into a new, comprehensive whole?
Only when we pass through these gates can we assume the archetype of the Wise Teacher, the Authority, and the King/Queen. If we have done our evolutionary work since the new moon, we are invited to step into a stronger relationship with our belief system, philosophies, and world view, knowing we are standing in a different place—a firmer, more expansive ground than before.
Today, the full moon shines in celebration of the truth we’re offered to embody. Whole and new.
Author: Mollie Lyddane
Image: Geralt/Pixabay
Editor: Danielle Beutell
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