August 1, 2017

4 Keys to Creating a Meditation Habit. {Video}

As the summer weather heats up, our garden relies on the drip system to survive.

Drip…drip…drip…the system delivers regular applications of life-giving water.

But, drip systems aren’t just for plants. This type of system is a key to the meditative path of awakening.

Why? Because the drip, drip, drip approach to meditation nourishes our inner garden.

In this nano teaching, we overview the drip system of meditation. This teaching is drawn from a month-long program given to the Wisdom Heart community (which is open to everyone, here).

D-R-I-P is a symbolic acronym:

D for directional. Know why you are practicing and the journey you are on.
R for rhythmic. Get into a daily rhythm, until the rhythm gets into you.
I for intensity. Go deep—and be fully present, absorbed, and engaged.
P for priority. Honor the impulse of awakening that is calling you.

Make practice a priority by slowly, gently, and simply introducing it into your life.

Recognize the direction that is calling you.

Create a simpledaily rhythm in which you intensely practice—make this a priority.

Nourish the seeds of your awakening life.

They will bring forth blessings psychologically, physically, relationally, and creatively into your life.

Water the sacred seeds within…drip, drip, drip.

It’s summertime—begin now!




How to Live with Less Drama and More Dharma. {Video}

The Fire of Awakening: What the Great Sages have Taught Us. {Video}

How to Melt the Frozen Mind. { Video}


Author: Eric Klein
Image: Flickr/Neil Crump; Author’s own
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Leah Sugerman
Social editor: Cat Monkman

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