August 14, 2017

Once Upon a Zen Time: a Story about the Laughing Buddha.

There are so many beautiful stories from the wisdom traditions.

This Nano-teaching features a story from the school of Zen. It’s a story about the laughing Buddha.

You’ve probably seen statues of this round-bellied, laughing Buddha. His big belly symbolizes awakening incarnate. He’s the embodiment of meditative presence who teaches the art of living meditation.

Meditation is the key practice of the awakening life. In every culture, time, and place, the sages have all pointed to the practice of meditation as the golden key to awakening .

It’s pretty clear what meditation looks like when we’re on the cushion.

Settle, breathe, notice attention wandering, return to the object of meditation, and open to the depths of the present moment. But, what about when you’re walking through your life?

What does meditation look like in action? How can you embody and actualize meditation off the cushion? That’s what this Nano-teaching and the story of the laughing Buddha is all about.

Let us know:

>> What bag are you carrying?

>> What would it look like for you to embody awakening…today?



The Fire of Awakening: What the Great Sages have Taught Us. {Video}

4 Keys to Creating a Meditation Habit. {Video}


Author: Eric Klein
Image: Flickr/faria!
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy editor: Danielle Beutell
Social editor: Danielle Beutell

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