March 1, 2018

How to save our World when it all seems Hopeless, with Shawn Heinrichs.

I often find that the most nihilistic among us (you know, “the world is effed, it’s too late…” or, “the planet will be fine when we’re all dead”) are those who do the least to make a difference. Our nihilism, too often, is cover for our own laziness, our own comfort, our own unethical choices.

The alternative is to care. And to walk that talk, and make hard choices to live an ethical life—not a perfect one—but one in which we try.

Here’s a man who’s the Opposite of Nihilistic.


Waylon talks with Shawn Heinrichs about ocean conservation, art, and empathy.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis:

“We’re driving a Formula 1 race car fast asleep…and it’s got a bomb in the back.” ~ Shawn Heinrichs


Pela, the phone case perfect for Elephant readers. A truly eco-friendly, 100% compostable option for the whole family!



It’s easy to feel hopeless these days—especially when the problems we face are as big as the ocean. In Shawn Heinrichs case, it is the ocean. Shawn is a cinematographer, photographer, and marine conservationist who inspires action through art. He works to safeguard the planet’s oceans and the animals that call them home. Check him out!



How a plant-based diet is good for your heart, penis & lifespan.

Blue Sphere Foundation 

Shawn Heinrichs’ TEDx Talk 


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Greed and Apathy – can wipe out a decade of hard fought conservation – can brutally rob the life from an innocent being – can allow the others to suffer the same barbaric fate – can drive a once-thriving ecosystem into ruin – can threaten the security of local communities with few other options – can create a world without the magic of nature – can leave all of us empty and alone The enemy is not “THEM”, but is in all of “US”, our own indifference and inaction. In the words of Desmond Tutu: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” @bluespherefoundation @racingextinction @sea_legacy

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