April 27, 2018

How to Save our World & Make some $ doing so.

Saving the World can be our Day Job.

If we’re not helping our community or being kind to folks we work with or encounter over our day, if we’re not doing what we love or are good at that also pays the bills…then we are out of whack with our own hearts.

And yes, it is a privilege to do work we love. But work we love needn’t be dancing on fairy clouds in heaven—it can be painting a family’s home, fixing a watch, altering hems, writing, teaching yoga, teaching elementary school, serving coffee and food, working with animals and the land—it can be anything.

The Buddhist notion of Natural Hierarchy, as explained by Chögyam Trungpa, is that whatever we do, we do it with presence and mindfulness, attention as a form of love, of care, of precision and dignity and elegance.

We needn’t work in heaven to accomplish that. We can do it right now, in how we dress or clean our kitchen or drink a glass of water. And we can do it in our daily work. And if we find a path of Right Livelihood—of doing well and doing good, of doing what we’re good at, enjoy doing, that is of some service to others, and that pays the bills—then we can heal this world, one community at a time.

We teach and practice some of the skills helpful in transforming our work into our path, whatever our work is, in Elephant Academy. A new session begins soon—we offer an early admission discount, and that discount ends in a few days’ time. You can apply here, or just check it out. We’d love for you to join the 1000s who’ve completed the Academy in the past—each class has about 100-150 members, and your teachers and mentors will include writers, social media stars, editors, and myself. We’ll learn the skills necessary to get the word out about your thing, and get more clients or readers. And it’s an effective way to invest further in your current career, or transform your hobby into more of a full-time gig.

Check it out. Take a leap. As I like to say: Find your Path. Find your Voice. Find your Community. Let’s save this world, and have some fun doing so!




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