6.3 Editor's Pick
May 16, 2018

The Key to my Success on the path of Business. ~ Waylon Lewis

Life is hard work.

I’ve worked my butt off since I was 25, when I found the first job I truly loved.

I’d worked for years before, of course—since before college—but I only began working hard and long hours, going above and beyond when I fell in love with my path and had mentors who enjoyed teaching me something.

I loved learning, and being of benefit, and I hated being awful at things…which lead back to my love of learning, of improving, of listening and asking questions of mentors.

Today, I’m the old man. The leader, the entrepreneur, the manager. Not that I’m great at all those things, of course. I get testy and defensive. But one thing that helps is, as always, mentors. And peers. And openness. Basically, just asking questions and sharing what’s going on with me with anyone and everyone.

It’s when we shut down, and strategize, that we really lose out. Better to remain open, and inquisitive, and not take ourselves too seriously, or overthink complex solutions to simple problems.

Whatever stage you’re at, ask questions. Don’t work in one office. Move around. Work in cafes. Work in co-work. Work in open spaces. Stand up. Have your meetings while strolling with your dog, if at all possible. Keep things fluid. Challenge your habits.

The key to success in business isn’t knowing everything, it’s being willing to ask questions of those who might.

And remember the point of it all: to be of benefit, and have some fun doing so.


This summer, join me in…Elephant Academy.

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