June 3, 2018

What it Really means to Say “Yes” to Life.

We come to the spiritual path with hope and expectations.

We have ideas—and ideals—about the awakening life.

But, awakening is not defined by our ideas.

In fact, as we enter into the Fire of Awakening, our ideas and ideals are burned up—bringing us into a deeper communion with truth. This is both intense and intensely beautiful.

In this excerpt from a Wisdom Heart Community teaching, I explain how to offer your life into the Fire of Awakening in order to release your patterns of struggle and receive a deep infusion of loving awareness.

Let this nano-teaching video guide you:

**Note: This is excerpted from a complete four-part program originally offered to the Wisdom Heart Community.

Highlights from this teaching:

>> What it really means to say “yes” to life.

>> Exploring the Path of Hard Knocks and the Path of Blissful Awakening.

>> How to heal through love, not struggle.

>> The sacred 12-letter mantra of liberation.

>> How to offer all patterns of conditioning into the Fire of Awakening.

Reflect and share: what is it time for you to offer into the Fire of Awakening?

Please share in the comments below!



A Conversation with Ram Dass: Guru, Path & Loving Awareness.


Author: Eric Klein
Image: Alexa Mazzarello/Unsplash
Editor: Nicole Cameron
Copy Editor: Yoli Ramazzina

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