September 5, 2019

Note to Self: it’s time to Love your own Imperfect Perfection.

I am so proud of you for saying “yes” to something that scared you.

For stepping out of your comfort zone.

For being brave and facing your fears.

For doing your best.

I’m reminding you that perfection doesn’t exist, and that people aren’t judging you the way you are judging yourself. Your fears aren’t real—they are just stories you created in your head based on past experiences.

Every time you face your fears head-on, you are creating more room for love.

So keep going.

Keep saying “yes” to things that scare you, because that’s the only way you can learn and grow and realize what you are capable of.

Keep saying “yes,” and you will strip away the fearful stories you tell yourself that aren’t true.

Keep saying “yes,” and give yourself a big hug for being braver than you thought you were.

Keep saying “yes” until you realize that perfection doesn’t exist and your story is worth telling just as much as anyone else’s.

Keep saying “yes” until you realize that there are no such things as mistakes.

Keep saying “yes” until your heart feels free and unburdened.

True validation doesn’t come from others—it comes from within. So, note to self: you did a wonderful job. You spoke your truth and spoke from your heart, and that will be felt. You were imperfectly perfect, and that authenticity is more attractive and appealing than the unrealistic ideal you created inside your head.

I celebrate your bravery. Your willingness to try something new. Your choice to put yourself out there, for everyone to see.

You may believe that vulnerability will open you up to more criticism, but it also opens you up to more power and connection.

I admire your ability to face fear, doubt, and worry and to choose strength, grace, and courage.

You are worthy and deserving of wonderful things.


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Lauren Friedwald  |  Contribution: 910

author: Lauren Friedwald

Image: Author's own

Editor: Kelsey Michal