November 30, 2019

Beware of the Woman who has been to Hell & Back.

Beware of the woman who has been to hell and back for she has felt fire lick at her skin and will run at the tiniest glimpse of a spark.

Beware of the woman who knows how to belong to herself.

For a night in her favourite restaurant with a blank page and pen is far more enticing than sitting opposite your mundane and pretty words in an attempt to invade her body.

Beware of the woman who tests you. Don’t smother her with your presence or confuse her with your distance.

She needs to know you are a part of her tribe or you’re out.

Beware of the woman who jumps out of bed and is out the door before you can blink, even on a Sunday.

She has hearts to heal and a plan to conquer.

Beware of the woman who has lived an extraordinary life, don’t overwhelm her.

Cheap nights at the movies and kisses on the forehead are all she needs for thrills.

She spends all day huffing and puffing and pushing up her sleeves to make her mark on this world.

All she wants is a safe place to laugh and sigh.

Beware of a real woman.

She is fearless, yet absolutely terrified.

She is a hurricane from suffering her hardships, she will find solace simply in the nook of your shoulder.

She may just be your lover, but she loves with every inch of her heart.

She is an enigma.

She will shamelessly look you dead in the eye like a goddess during love and crawl into a vulnerable puddle in your arms for hours after.

She must create or she becomes a contradicting menace to society.


She is a clumsy disaster.

But she is worth it.



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Katie Valentine  |  Contribution: 3,350

author: Katie Valentine

Image: katievalentinee / instagram

Editor: Julie Balsiger