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December 19, 2019

Are you a someday kind of person? Stop and do it now.



What if this isn’t a crisis,
“Damn girl look around.”
Maybe it’s an invitation?
to show up – lost or found.

Life doesn’t have come with a schedule,
there is no orderly plan,
Your mission is to unravel it
then jump in and yell “I can”.

It’s the still small voice within you.
that is beckoning you to see.
It whisper’s “stop your hiding,”
Just show up and be seen.

Do you even remember who you were?
Or what you dreamed to do?
Before the world, laid out, a generic blue print,
and handed it to you?

Can you recall all the reasons.
You said it couldn’t be so?
All the “some day” repetition?
All those excuses? There getting old.

“Some day when I have money”.
” Some day when I retire”.
“Some day when I’m more settled”
” Some day when I’m not so bloody tired”.

” Some day when I get the confidence”
” Some day when approval is overflowing”
“Some day when I find a soulmate”.
“Some day when I start, really, growing”.

Some day is holding you hostage
Someday is any day BUT today.
So please, please stop procrastinating.
Are you hearing, what I say?

Stop fretting about the future.
Stop rehashing things now past.
Stop waiting for other’s permission.
External approval seldom lasts.

Stop waiting to be fearless.
Don’t let fear dictate your turn.
You are afraid outside your comfort zone?
I see that, but there is SO much for you to learn.

Would have, should have, could have:
Stop and leave them all behind.
Take off your shield and armor.
Girl, it’s time for you, to shine.

You have a purpose, that’s just for you.
And it’s been here all along.
Its been, on your soul for years.
It’s lyrics have written, but unsung.

It’s a miracle you were born.
At this time and in this place.
A plan is set before you.
Of redemption, wisdom, grace.

There is a place for you in history,
contribution small or big.
And your epitaph will not read,
your ‘ could haves’ from this gig.

What will matter is your memories.
You leave behind and take.
Go forth and live the life you dream.
Before it’s all too late.

That seed will not grow strong and take root,
if you keep it in a pocket to be carried.
Nurture them with light and love,
and bloom before you’re buried.

Look inside dear one, then check your pulse,
the clock, my love, is ticking.
Stop allowing your own BS excuses,
to get in the way, of all your LIVING.


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