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December 18, 2019

Why I Love Dragonflies.

I find dragonflies fascinating.  I think they’re beautiful and graceful. And, I love the transparency of their wings.  Actually, I just love them. Period. 

Originally, I was attracted to them because they represent transformation.  And, boy oh boy, has there been a lot of transformation going on in my life over the past year!

New Horizons

This past April, I made the move from corporate employee to self-employed Life Coach. After 9 years doing the corporate hustle, I ́m really enjoying my “new job” as my very own boss. 

Before I went full-time at Amazing Outlook Coaching, I ´d been working part-time on my coaching business for nearly a year.  In July 2018, I cut back to four days a week at my “day job”  to help me find more balance between work, new coaching clients and continued training.

It was a lot to juggle!

Dragonfly Wisdom

My fascination with dragonflies is actually pretty recent. I began feeling drawn to them as my life was undergoing some major transformation.

Wisdom, change, transformation, light and adaptability in life – the dragonfly is a symbol for all of these things. It shows up in our world to remind us that we need to bring more lightness and joy to our lives. 

The dragonfly also symbolizes a wide realm of emotions, from joy and happiness, melancholy and sadness to anger and jealousy; as well as everything in-between. 

The dragonfly is also considered a symbol of transformation because of how it grows. 

Dragonfly Inspiration

Dragonflies begin their life in the water, and then move into the air where they learn to fly. They are able to master incredible flight patterns that allow them to change their direction of flight quickly, without much effort at all. They possess a nearly unparalleled grace as they fly and glide through the air. 

I see their innate grace as a way of inspiring and motivating us to be flexible and adaptable in the situations that we come across in life.

People with the dragonfly as their spirit animal or totem will have the tendency to delve into their emotions and wear their true colors on their sleeve. They will lean towards keeping a light, positive outlook even when things around them look dark and grim.

When I feel stuck in an unhappy situation or find myself needing to find a new perspective, I call on my dragonfly spirit animal and its dragonfly power. It has helped me many times…

What about you? Do you have a spirit animal? Do you believe in their innate power to support and guide you? 

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