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January 22, 2020

Hearts Within Our Own Hands

We all have wisdom,
Within our own hands,
And hearts,
Our hands are extensions
Of what lays within,
We are made of this
Of love,
We just forget,
Because it is the oldest
Story of us.
Older than the fear story,
The sin story,
The shame story,
The powerless story.
It is old and ancient,
One we have to remember
By going within,
That is the only way.
Outside sources can guide
Us for only some time,
Before the gaze must
Turn toward our own hearts.
Even if the fear of
What we will find
Is present.
If we’ve walled ourselves off,
Hardened our hearts
To pain,
So too,
Have we hardened against
Love and joy.
The heart was made to
Open and close,
Not to stay permanently
Fixed like a cage.
It communicates to us,
In the opening,
And closing,
Where we feel safe
In love’s gaze,
And where we still
Have softening to tend to.
It’s not a “doing” process,
Rather an undoing process,
A surrendering to what is
Already there.
A subtle force that
Weaves all life together.
Our hands guide us,
Our shoulders remind us,
In closing off the heart,
Where there is still pain,
The body is the messenger.
In signals of tension,
To close down,
And protect,
Or open again,
And expand.
Most think bodies are physical,
But rather, they are sentient beings
Of the feminine wisdom.
Communicating at ALL times,
Even in silence.
We can get so scared
That something is wrong
With the ways we posture
But these are simply patterns,
We have learned,
To protect us from feeling.
The body lets go as we soften
The heart and remind us
Of its safety,
And wisdom.
To open softly,
Even when we want to close.
To be gentle when we want
To harden.
To open our hands and arms
In embracing our pains,
And our joys and unexplored treasures
The hands are the messengers
Of the heart.
The body the receiver of
All life experience.
Be kind,
Remember kindness
Is truer to you than hatred.
Like petals opening again,
Less force,
More allowing.
Allow yourself to trust
The opening again.
Allow what is present
To be and hold
It within your hands
And heart with care.

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