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April 28, 2020

We Forgive As We Remember: A Poem

We keep
Looking to blame


Like our life’s
Goal was bent on
Finding justice
In who is at fault,
Who was in the wrong.

We have exhausted
Ourselves into thinking
This would finally
Free us,
If we knew
Who to blame.

If we could just
Find the one at fault
For the pain.

It’s exactly
What some of us hope
We are purifying our world of,

Finger pointing,
Victimizing games.

Who’s to blame for this?
Who’s to blame for how out
Of control things feel?

We are subtly looking
For the one
We can pin it on.

It’s like the wounds
We all have.
Wanting to blame
Our parents,
For wounding us.

But we have forgotten
They were children
Once too,
Trying to get the love
Never given to them.

We are all trying
To get the love
We feel we are missing.

We forget we chose
These parents,
These wounds,
These exact circumstance,
Because we are able
To transmute the pain.

Maybe, not at first,
But then we remember,
We are not the victims
Of the wounds,
Because perhaps
We chose these lives,
These times,
To come into.

When all is said
And done,
Will we look to
The generations that
Birthed us,
That came before,
With blame
For the problems at hand,
For the injustices,
For the past that
Can’t be changed?

We can seek
To understand the why.
Why hurt people
Hurt people.

Why we grow
Afraid to love,
To forgive
The one that hurt us,
Because we think
We are letting them
Off the hook.

But we only keep
Ourselves hooked,
By staying attached
To the story of pain,
Identifying with them
As perpetrator,
Us as victim.

Maybe, we have both
Been playing our part,
To wake the other up.

Wake up,
Dear soul,
To the divine that you are.
Wake up, sweet mother,
And father,
Son or daughter,
Brother or sister,
To the love we are.

Yes, we are wounded
But we are not
Meant to suffer
For sole purpose
Of justice seeking.

Let your heart
Remember that the
And healing you seek
From another,
Is within you now.

Re write the story.
Re write the pain and
Victim narrative.

All is as all shall be,
And will be,
In the end anyhow.

So forgive
The self for forgetting

Who you are.

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