7.2 Editor's Pick
June 24, 2020

Check out Elephant Camp before Friday, & you can join.

Big Announcement from Elephant:

Announcing Elephant Camp.

If you’ve enjoyed our weekly, free Elephant Gatherings, those are continuing.

And now I’m starting Elephant Camp.

The only criticism I’d heard of the free Gathering series is that they’re too open-ended, and while inspiring, there’s little specific training.

​And so, with Elephant Camp, we go deeper. We train. We learn. We practice writing exercises and meditation exercises.

Enroll in an Elephant Academy course before Friday, and you can join Elephant Camp, free.

I’ve now offered 3 months of free quarantine-inspired, then anti-racism-focused gatherings, which we called Elephant Gathering (join here, free).

We’ve hosted Jane Elliott, Senator Cory Booker, and hosted more up to 8,500 folks per gathering, not counting video views after the fact (totaling many 100,000s).

And now I’m now splitting our popular weekly gatherings in two.

The only way we can continue with our free hourlong Gathering offering is if we shorten it slightly and offer a second, private 30-45 minutes.

> It’ll be free to anyone who’s ever been signed up for an Academy course.
> It’ll be 50% off for top Elephant writers (Ecosystem winners).
> It’ll be affordable for all readers and members of the free Friday Gathering. You can access Elephant Camp now if you sign up for any Academy course (cheapest ones are $108—you get the course plus all Elephant Camp trainings).

Note: this Friday’s Camp is essentially an Academy Reunion, because you all will have automatic access. Come say hi (and hai!) to your old pals!

> The first 45 minutes, Elephant Gathering, will be free, generally inspiring, topical, a time for connection and community.

> The second 45 minutes, Elephant Camp, will be a specific training, writing exercise, or meditation exercise—diving deeper, learning.

If you join Elephant Camp now, you’ll get some quality time. It’ll likely just be you and say 30 – 100 good humans this first week—then it’ll grow quickly starting with the second week, as folks have time to preregister.

See you at the Gathering! See you at Camp!

Yours in the Vision of Enlightened Society

Waylon Lewis & Elephant Academy

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