6.2 Editor's Pick
June 3, 2020

Dear Stranger, I’m Glad We Met.


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Dear Stranger, I’m glad we met.

You make my coffee every morning and draw a smiley face on my cup.

You hold the door open for me and say, “After you.”

I bet your heart is as beautiful as your smile.

You let me cut in front of you at the grocery store.

I drop a bag of candy and you pick it up.

You speak to me through a mask, engaging in muffled conversation.

You wave at me from your window like Queen Elizabeth.

You have dinner with me as we sit alone at a bar.

You grab my hand as the plane lands.

You hug me briefly.

You give me a high five.

You sign for me to help you.

You use an iPad to say hello.

You give me a rock that says Love on it.

I sit across from you on a bus in NYC.

You scoot over so I can sit down.

I sit in your office.

I teach you online.

We wish each other good luck before an exam.

I speak to you on the phone.

You sit on the floor next to me in Barnes and Noble, scanning the psychology section.

I walk next to you with our signs.

Your words resonate with me.

I think I’ve seen you before.

Yes, I made you a sandwich once.

We dance Forrô.

I can hear your heart.

It’s just as beautiful as your smile.

I keep walking.

I think I’m alone.

And then I see you again.

I may never learn your name, but please know I’m glad we met.

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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: @tarnellisart/Instagram

Editor: Marisa Zocco