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June 11, 2020

What are Twin Flames?

You’ve seen or heard about them, so here’s the real story…

Twin Flames are what society calls “soulmates”, but they just got the term wrong. Soulmates are similar souls. You share similar interests with them and they can be anyone you truly get along with, like a friend, co-worker, or a romantic partner.

Your Twin Flame, however, is your “the One”. That everlasting forever love that you’ve been looking for. They are the romantic partner you’ve been waiting for, but they come with a twist.


Your Twin Flame is the LOVE of your life. The BIG LOVE, the EPIC LOVE you’ve been praying for.


The Romantic Relationship with a Twist


Twin Flames are what those love stories are all about. If you’ve ever seen The Notebook, Serendipity, Titanic, Romeo + Juliet, just to name a few, you’ll know what I’m talking about.

You only get one Twin Flame and they are not a similar soul, they are the same soul energy as you. What does that mean you may ask? It means you share the same vibration.

Everything in this Universe is made up of energy (scientific fact). Everything you look at, see or touch. But every soul has its own unique vibe, lyric or code. Twin Flames share that same one.

That’s why Twin Flames can feel each other’s emotions and moods…even when they are physically apart! They are connected at each of the chakras. When one hurts, the other feels the pain.

When one heals, the other feels the release. They have telepathy and can also feel  each other’s spirit. It’s a supernatural relationship! And don’t even get me started on the signs and synchronicities.


Get Ready for a Wild Ride!


The Twin Flame relationship is based on a Divine unconditional love. So to be in a healthy loving relationship with them, anything that’s not in alignment with that kind of love must go. Your Twin Flame is your mirror, your reflection, and your greatest teacher.

That’s why they trigger you like no one else can. They do it unconsciously though. They’re guided to do it and you’re doing the same to them. But there’s a reason for it.


Oh, the Triggers


Those triggers are showing you all the parts that you need to heal and strip away. These are the beliefs and values you’ve taken on throughout your life that are not in alignment with your true being. A being of love and light.

Your natural, authentic beautiful soul self. You were most likely taught to hide those parts. That they were wrong in some way, or not normal.

Your Twin Flame is here to teach you to let your true self shine. You were meant to. When they trigger you, they’re just bringing up old insecurities and childhood wounds that need love and attention. You’re meant to forgive those memories and stories that you took on so that you can return to a life of love and joy.


And the Running Begins…


A lot of Twin Flames run from this. They run from the relationship because it scares them.  It scares them for many reasons. They often think that their Twin Flame is the one to blame for causing them pain.

But what they don’t realize is that their Twin Flame is just showing them what parts need to be healed so that they can live a healthy, loving life. The life they’ve been wishing and praying for.

That’s where the self-love journey begins. How can you love another when you haven’t learned how to truly love yourself? This is that deep love of self. Not the surface kind. This is the kind where you can look at yourself in the mirror and love what you see.

The kind where you love and nurture the adult you’ve become. The kind where you accept and approve of yourself in your natural, authentic state. It’s that epic love of self that draws in your Twin Flame.

If you’re seeking that Twin Flame healthy union, you’ve got to look in the mirror first. Do you love what you see? Do you love who you are? Do you love what you say or do? If not, you know where to begin.

It’s a long emotional journey filled with ups and downs, lefts and rights, but it’s the biggest blessing to have your Twin Flame in your life.  Don’t run from it, because you’ll just be running from yourself. You’ll be running from love. And your intuition won’t let that last for long.

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