July 26, 2020

10 Signs You’re an Old Soul. {I Definitely Am!}

By 39, I’d had two relationships with men a lot older than I was.

And although I’m done with 10 to 25 year age differences, I do wonder why I got into them in the first place.

Further, when I look at my platonic friendships, I realize some of my loveliest, closest friendships are with people with whom I share a significant age gap. Yet, I’ve not once felt awkward or even noticed the gap during our interactions, travels together, or when we’re simply hanging out. That got me thinking a bit.

Both those men told me that I’m an old soul. At the time, I didn’t know what it meant. While I don’t know if their compliment was a part of their retention strategy, I did find some truth to it.

So, when I saw this video and the 10 indications of being an old soul, I found it spookily accurate. Accurate to the point that they describe habits, actions, and ways of being that are my life. It felt almost as if they’d taken me as their test subject.

I felt understood, I felt I wasn’t an anomaly among the “normal” people, and it explained a lot of my habits and traits.

Be prepared to be wowed if you identify with being an old soul or are suspicious that you might be one:

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author: Sukriti Chopra

Image: Sukriti/Instagram