July 21, 2020

5 Questions to show us where we’re Holding Back in Life.


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We’ve all experienced changes in the past six months since the COVID-19 outbreak.

Now is the time to collect our thoughts and channel our energies into something we love to do. Many of us may have lost our jobs, faced difficulties in our businesses, and maybe watched people close to us going through the same changes as well—some were affected more than others.

Strangely enough, the minute everyone began to retreat, I felt a relief washing over me. I found that I generally do not function well under the air of expectations of others. No contact meant not having to live up to anyone’s expectations either.

For some time, I felt the need to retreat and write more about my experiences or share my thoughts and wisdom on other channels. Just the other day, when I felt like nothing was moving and everything hit deep stagnation, I turned on my son’s Wii game and noticed time was frozen right at 11:11 a.m.—something I used to encounter a lot in the beginning of my spiritual awakening.

The numbers 11:11 mean that we are fully aligning with our life purposes and that we are in the flow. It dawned on me that I need to pay attention; sure enough, shortly after I came across an application for podcasting. It was easy to set it up and turn it into a perfect channel for me to share my inspirational messages, psychic insights, and greater understandings of life and past experiences.

When I was a child, I used to wonder how I could ever contribute to the world and how I would ever be able to share my messages. But back then, we just did not have today’s technologies. It was a true mystery to me, but everything happens in perfect divine timing. When it is time for each of us to share our divine light codes, channels and opportunities will simply pop into our awareness and unfold effortlessly.

It is never a struggle when we are aligned with our true greater self—it all flows with ease and grace. Energy always drives the path of least resistance; this means that we need to be aware of what flows with ease and brings us joy and excitement. This is how we can recognize what is meant for us and which way we need to go.

I talked to my partner the other day about this—how we used to wonder when we were children how we would figure out life, and what to do, or where to go. I was so worried about making the wrong choices that I used to visit psychics over and over again, hoping to gain insights that could lead me into the right direction. Until one day, a psychic told me, “You are your own psychic; why do you keep going to other psychics? You know everything you need to know.”

Sometimes, it’s not easy to trust yourself, especially if you have been made to feel insecure about who you are during your life and your insights were consistently belittled. Today, after years of intense self-work post-awakening, I have come to a place where I feel secure and in tune with my greater self. This was definitely quite the journey. But it was absolutely worth the trouble to get back home to myself and align with it.

If you trust who you are, you can be whatever you want to be. I found that the biggest issue that kept me from fully being myself was judgment—judgment toward others and myself. I had many rules, ideations, and judgments toward “me” because of my upbringing. As long as we are judging others for expressing themselves, we will always carry judgment toward ourselves, and vice versa.

How we respond to our outside world is a mirror to how we feel about ourselves. As soon as we are able to resolve inner issues, all other conflicts get resolved, and we release all the judgment that has been holding us back from living our best lives.

I challenge you today to go within, and ask yourself:

>> Who am I?

>> Where am I holding myself back and why?

>> What is my own judgment teaching me?

>> What would I do if I let go of my expectations?

>> How can I bring more joy into my day, and how can I make my work more fun?

Our own judgments and expectations are the prison bars that keep us feeling unfulfilled. We all carry our own light codes of wisdom uniquely aligned to who we are. It’s only a matter of recognizing that and expressing them uninhibited.



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Sabrina Goeldlin  |  Contribution: 11,310

author: Sabrina Goeldlin

Image: ravenchalk/Instagram

Editor: Elyane Youssef