July 23, 2020

Feel-Good Rainbow Wellness Bowl. {Recipe}

Image Author's Own

I’m a big fan of colour and totally believe you eat with your eyes.

This wellness bowl is a kaleidoscope of goodness.

Vegetarian if you eat eggs and cheese, or simply omit the egg and cheese and replace them with tofu or another alternative for some vegan yumminess.


1 tablespoon beetroot-hummus

2 medium roasted beetroots

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar or glaze

30g roasted tomatoes

100g kale roughly chopped

30g thinly sliced fresh radish

1 tablespoon almonds

1 tablespoon walnuts

4 slices Halloumi cheese

25g chickpeas roasted

1 poached egg

1 tsp dukkha

Alfalfa and radish sprouts to garnish


1. Rub beetroot in some olive oil and wrap in foil. 

2. Roast at 180 degrees Celsius for one hour or until soft. 

3. Roast chickpeas in olive oil at 180 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes or until crispy.

4. Peel when cooled.

5. Chop and mix with balsamic vinegar or glaze and warm back in the oven for five minutes.

6. Roast tomatoes in olive oil, salt, and pepper until soft.

7. Add walnuts and almonds to warmed beetroot and keep warm in the oven.

8. Stir-fry the kale in olive oil with salt and pepper until just crispy. Keep warm in oven.

9. Fry Halloumi slices in olive oil until browned on both sides.

10. Soft poach an egg.

11. Arrange in a bowl and sprinkle with roasted chickpeas, dukkha. Salt and pepper to taste.






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Ammelia Valentine  |  Contribution: 2,895

author: Ammelia Valentine

Image: Image Author's Own

Editor: Marisa Zocco