July 7, 2020

I Wrote this Letter to Him, but it’s Meant for You.


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Your smile is contagious.

I caught it this morning at 10:42 a.m. and again this evening during dinner.

I thought wearing a mask would protect me while at the grocery store, but then I was greeted by a checker with your eyes. It crinkled as I became lost in a blue sea of endless possibilities. I was only brought back to reality when I was asked if I wanted paper or plastic.

“Umm, paper and plastic,” I said as the checker looked at me puzzled, and I pulled my mask higher to avoid spreading Cupid’s sickness.

I was asked today by my friend how the dating life is going. She caught the smile you gave me and asked me for his name. I gave her yours and she gasped.

“Wow, gorgeous,” she said when I showed your picture. “You look alike!”

I’ve heard people who look alike are drawn together. I hope this is true. If not, I’ll keep looking at your smile. It’s contagious after all.

Regarding your last question, the answer is yes.

I want to tell you something. I hope it’s okay that I share it here.

I think I am falling for you.

No, actually, I know I am. Either that, or I have caught Cupid’s sickness.

Either way, there’s no turning back. My mouth is stuck like this forever. I smiled with almost all my teeth before, but now you can see my molars.

I turned on the radio in my car today, and the song “Kiss a Girl” played. I laughed at God’s humor.

Before I end this letter, I have a question for you.

Maybe it’s too soon to ask.

I should probably wait, but I can’t.

Here it goes…

Would you like to be my girlfriend?

Good night, Beautiful.


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,490

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: @julika.illustration/Instagram

Editor: Nicole Cameron