July 6, 2020

Sam Smith’s Cover of Coldplay’s “Fix You” is Stunningly Powerful.

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I’ve been obsessed with Sam Smith’s voice since 2012.

When I first heard them sing, “You lift my heart up when the rest of me is down,” on Disclosure’s hit song “Latch,” I knew I’d listen to anything they ever sang—always.

And when I went to see them in concert a few years later? Yep, the love leaped off the chart, because they do, in fact, sound exactly the same—maybe even better —live.

If you don’t believe me, just listen to their live cover of Coldplay’s iconic song, “Fix You.” I’ve long considered this song to be one of the most well-written, breathtaking songs of the last 20 years. And Sam’s version? Well, it’s stunningly powerful in its simplicity and maybe even more heart-breaking because of that voice.

I’ve already listened to it 10 times, and I don’t see myself stopping anytime soon.

Bonus video: an emotional dance routine to “Fix You” that I still remember watching nine years ago, courtesy of “So You Think You Can Dance.” (Cue the tissues.)


More mindful reads to inspire your day:

31 Tiny Ways to make the World a Better Place, Without Leaving Home.

Why a “Situationship” is so F*cked Up (& How it leads to Emotional Trauma).

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