July 27, 2020

Sometimes We Need to Declutter our Closets & Let Relationships Go.

I’ve been called a collector of souls, and it’s true.

No matter who the person is, once they’ve crossed my path, I add them to my closet of friends and family.

While most people pick and choose who to add to their closet and will donate some of what they’ve collected to goodwill after their style has changed, or they’ve realized they were wearing the wrong attire all this time, I don’t.

I keep every single soul as if I were a hoarder and I do not donate anyone to Goodwill unless it’s forced upon me.

And even when forced, I kick and scream. I’ll do anything to avoid losing a person that I’ve added to my closet, even if there’s no room for them, or they are not good for me.

Mostly, my closest is full of good people. I have several families and friends here in the United States and abroad, and my relationships with them are great. However, I have a few relationships that are not great for me, and yet, I keep them anyway.

I had a therapist once help me learn to “vote someone out of the soap opera.” I struggled with this, as this person was someone I considered to be in my innermost circle. While difficult, as soon as this person was no longer in my life, I walked differently—happier, confident, and without fear.

There truly is good in all people, but this doesn’t mean we need to walk side by side with them in their journey or take their anger and difficult behavior because they are processing their own pain.

Love all human beings, but your closest can only fit so many people.

Sometimes to grow, we have to stop wearing what’s familiar and declutter our closest.

Thank your clothes for what they’ve taught you, and then gently let them go.

They will be okay, and so will you.


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Elephant journal  |  Contribution: 1,375,390

author: Rebecca Renae

Image: Allan Filipe Santos Dias/ Unsplash

Editor: Lisa Erickson