July 25, 2020

When Love has left your Heart in Pieces.


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You can forget what someone looks like, or whether what they said was real.

You can forget the smell of someone, but never how they made you feel.

There will be days that you almost escape—those memories, moments, that smile. But then there are days when they flood you, and you need a break for just a while.

You’ll be doing something simple, and the lump will catch in your throat; you’ll be busily cleaning out your drawers and find the sweetest love note.

You’ll cook something for dinner and remember he was a fan of the dish. It will make you laugh a little, but a better cook was probably his wish.

You’ll watch a TV show knowing he hooked you on it.

You’ll think back to those times you shared—the laughter, the joy, and the fun.

You know you’re moving forward. You know you’re in a good space. You are happy, and you are grateful, but you still picture his beautiful face.

You’ve forgiven him for hurting you and making promises that he could never keep. For all the things he said and making your heart fall so deep.

Maybe you were each other’s lesson, and that was always the universe’s plan.

He taught you how to grow.
You taught him how to be a better man.

It’s that once in a lifetime love—the one that changes you forever.

It teaches you who you are, and the ties will never sever.

You know he’s still energetically attached to you; you feel it deep within your core.
Neither ever fully letting it go—never completely closing that door.

But you step forward into the future with grace and love in your soul.

You are spiritually awakened.
You are beautifully and completely whole.

The heartbreak, sadness, and pain that made you feel your life was adrift—what started you on this magical journey—was ultimately your gift.

You love the woman you have become.

And whatever is meant to be will be.

You surrender to the universe.
I will always be unapologetically me.

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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 119,265

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: lauraklinke_art/instagram

Editor: Kate Force