9.2 Editor's Pick
August 24, 2020

A Letter to my Daughter: You Are Not Someone’s Other Half.

Be a woman.

Be soft like a flower, but don’t waste your alluring smell—
you must keep it for the tough days.

Play the tunes of love on your guitar,
but play for only those who would listen—
and who would love you.

Be kind and generous.
Give everything from within with integrity and love.
Be a role model in patience and sacrifice.
Be a woman.

Do not let anything chain your mind or your hands.
Bend on your knees only when you wish to pray,
and do not seek those who do not seek you.

Be like a rose with thorns to protect it.
Like a jasmine tree, bow your head with the wind.
Like an oak tree, stand strong in the face of those who want to break you.

Do not let your emotions alone rule your heart—
they might destroy and break you.
Take your mind with you wherever you go,
and let your gut guide you.

Do not give a man everything you have.
Never surrender your power as a woman,
and never give up your rights.
If you do, he will break you.
If you don’t, he will adore you.

Do not chase empty fantasies and whims—
have big dreams instead.
If you don’t, you will fall in the pitfall of despair.

Let the stars call you
and sow the impossible to reap your wishes.
Let the sky be your playground,
and let life be the theater of your dreams.

Have faith and patience—
the light of faith does not dim within you.
Do not be scared of what the dark might bring.
Do not be afraid of a fire that cannot burn you.

Passion suits you well, and only you.
Eagles fly high in your kingdom.
Be the one who writes your own destiny—
you are the daughter of the universe.

They say you are the better half of a man,
but I tell you, you ain’t no half, no quarters, or tenths.
You are a full moon.
You are complete, and he seeks your completeness.

You gave him life and taught him about life.
You loved him and supported him.
You shared his misery way before you shared his happiness.
You healed his wounds, and you helped him face life.
How can a half do something so complete?



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Eleonor Youssef  |  Contribution: 14,530

author: Eleonor Youssef

Image: Author's own

Editor: Elyane Youssef