August 7, 2020

It’s Time to Let Go of What no Longer Serves Us. 


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As we navigate this new chapter in our lives, we might have less in a material sense, but the inner wealth feels massive.

Yet these inner riches seem to come with an overhaul of mass proportions.

Lately, I have been asking myself what is no longer serving me, and what I am ready to let go of (not just in the way I could’ve approached something with compassion, but everything).

What am I ready to shed, and what might be worth holding on to in the emotional, physical, and energetic sense?

Without letting go, the “new” has no room to live—it’s like when we make room for a baby or any new family member. We change and let go of who we used to be, whether that’s habits or moving to a different home. Making our space inviting for a new life to enter is a deep act of self-love.

We are all co-creators in the world, and a collective purge of the unconscious seems to be our new normal. What if we let go on an individual basis and humbly make self-directed corrections while embracing forgiveness and an allowance for mistakes?

Anything that is worth so much will undoubtedly take a lot of self-devotion and letting go of the judgements that may arise. To heal our country and our planet means that healing is happening within each one of us first, or at least simultaneously.

What I do know is that as much as we are all a speck of stardust in an infinitely expanding cosmos, at the same time we are an essential piece of the puzzle; an intrinsic part of creation. We are independent, yet we’re deeply intertwined with everyone—we’re never alone.

As we sit with the day-to-day changes of our lives, may we have the courage to be with the chaos, to learn from it, maybe even welcome it in, and to see things as they are. Perhaps we can even make friends with all of who we are, and not just the sweet parts.

Being around our family more than ever could mean that there has already been tons of opportunities for growth and compassion. Once we see ourselves in these human beings, it is impossible to hold a grudge for too long. So before this time tears us apart, we have a huge opportunity to bring ourselves together with them.

May we find the compassion in our heart to let go of yesterday and how our life was last week or last year and discover that, in this moment, we are given a massive inheritance.

During this time, I’ve personally been going to some really dark places: I’ve been revisiting past wounds of abandonment, abuse, and neglect. This is no doubt an extraordinary time that seems to be gifting us many ordinary moments to sit with and look within.

Today, I allow myself to find beauty in the simple, ordinary things of life, such as cleaning the house, tending the garden, or cooking a meal. The most mundane tasks now take on a sacred quality when they are carried out as a meditation, with love, for their own sake, and without thought of recognition or reward.

As we slowly begin to reenter into our community with some restrictions being lifted, perhaps we can ask ourselves, “How am I being asked to grow?”

Rumi says, “Life is a balance of holding on and letting go.”

Let’s all take a moment to breathe in and out to regulate the body. Integrate some sense of spirituality into the little things that mean so much to you.

Let’s understand that we must first be gentle with ourselves before bringing light wisdom or compassion into the world.

Ask yourself some deep questions like, “What feeds my soul?” and, “What am I really hungry for?” The answers to these questions slowly become our new way of life. Honoring our body, family, community, our personal history, joys, and sorrows, and all that has been given to us feels important. The way that we treat our body and mind could never be disconnected from the way we treat our community.

Our life’s journey is about transformation, so be patient, dear one, as there is no need to achieve anything at the moment—being present with the evolution is more than enough.

Being present to what is feels so much better than any attempts to be impressive, clever, or extraordinary.

Perhaps the best thing in this moment is to take things more easily and simply, one step at a time.



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author: Mellara Gold Anzenberger

Image: Author's own/Photo credit: Cheri M. Arellano

Editor: Elyane Youssef