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September 2, 2020

Finding HERself Blog – March 2020 – Strong Women

Welcome to March, where the flowers are finally beginning to bloom, the spring equinox is upon us and if any of you know me, you know how much I love quotes. This month, there’s a particularly poignant one that comes to mind that says “Here’s to strong women. May we know them. May we be them. May we raise them” and for me, not just today but every day, these words could not be more true. Every time I read them, I am inspired all over again.

You see March is also the month where we celebrate all the amazing women who have changed the course of history and those who have yet to make it. It provides us with a female-themed trifecta of not only being Women’s History Month but we also stand in unity with our global sisters as we celebrate all the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women on International Women’s Day. Additionally, March brings us Girl Scouts Day when we honor the international organization who builds girls up with courage, confidence and character.

As I reflect upon this month and these days of recognition for the women I look up to and admire, I am also reminded of so many who may not have changed the course of history but who have overcome and persevered through so many of life’s tragedies and hardships. They have constantly left me in awe as I’ve stood by and watched their raw strength and tenacity prevail as they have faced health issues, suicide, disapproval, divorce, discrimination, motherhood, death, addiction and so many other circumstances we, as women, must endure.

These women, like the ones who have come before me, are also my heroes.

Day after day, they make a conscious decision to keep putting one foot in front of the other and although we may never read about them in a history book or see their name up in lights, they too are changing the world. Unaware of their impact, they serve as role models for all of us and show us that even in their darkest hour, they still continue on, in spite of the circumstances they endure. They are our grandmothers, our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, our friends and they are beautiful even in their greatest moments of grief.

So today and every day, as we honor the women who came before us and the women who surround us, may be we reminded that a strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.

Always Live inspiHERed,


The Finding HERself blog is written monthly by Misti Graham, inspHERation® Life Coach and is inspired by her personal life events, experiences and encounters.

If you would like to learn more about inspHERation® Life Coaching Services, schedule your FREE 30-minute life coaching session by clicking here.

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