September 14, 2020

I Am Enough. {Poem}

Shahin Kh/Pexels

Joyously happy or despairingly sad—I am enough

Bouncing with energy or listlessly fatigued—I am enough

Ramblingly talkative or unusually quiet—I am enough

Wickedly funny or studiously serious—I am enough

Worldly and wise or childlike in essence—I am enough

Intoxicatingly interesting or mindlessly boring—I am enough

Lovingly affectionate or coolly aloof—I am enough

Unequivocally uncomplicated or enigmatically mysterious—I am enough

Bloomingly open or shyly reserved—I am enough

Radiantly confident or timidly unsure—I am enough

Alluringly sexy or unnoticeably plain—I am enough

Razor-sharp intellectual or blissfully uninformed—I am enough

Perfectly smooth skin or dimpled and wrinkled—I am enough

Unstoppably fearless or beautifully vulnerable—I am enough

Soul of the party or observant wallflower—I am enough

Creative genius or routinely unoriginal—I am enough

Easy to read or a puzzling paradox—I am enough

Intently focused or distractedly preoccupied—I am enough

Physically stunning or stunningly physical—I am enough

Wistfully young or gracefully aged—I am enough

Externally glowing or glow from within—I am enough

Cocooned caterpillar or Goddess butterfly—I am enough

Hard to remember or hard to forget—I am enough

I am enough. I will always be enough.


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Michelle Schafer  |  Contribution: 119,390

author: Michelle Schafer

Image: Shahin Kh/Pexels

Editor: Lisa Erickson