September 24, 2020

This Jacob Banks Song is for Anyone who has known Heartbreak (it’s for us All).

Man, oh, man.

I discovered Jacob Banks a while ago, but this song never gets old. All of his music is sultry, soulful, and sad, but this one hits home.

His voice will penetrate your soul; the words will pierce your heart.

Here are some of the lyrics, in case you decide not to watch (or want to get them tattooed somewhere on your body because they’re just that good):

I know I’ve done wrong and I paid for it
It’s your time to talk and I’m listening
Say that you don’t want me, say that you don’t need me
Tell me I’m the fool
Tell me you’ve been tortured, tell me you’ve been beaten
What I’ve done to you
Look at all this heartache, what is left?
Forgetting how it started, this is how it ends
I know I’ve done wrong and I paid for it
But it’s your time to talk, for once I’m listening
Prepare for all the tears:

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author: Kate Force

Image: youtube